IBS Office Solutions is committed to a sustainable future
It is an exciting time to be involved in technological developments in our industry. This pioneering innovation considers and develops machines that reduce the impact on the environment and provides a focus for climate change. At IBS Office Solutions our long term aim is to predominately work with suppliers who adhere to our principles with regards to sustainability. Our belief is that such technologies can optimise production, increase efficiencies and reduce costs whilst also minimising the impact on the environment.
IBS Office Solutions’ Environmental policy includes:
- Working with manufacturers and suppliers who adhere to RoHS and have an Energy Star rating. They must also provide a sustainability commitment from their products.
- Provide green toners (biomass) and offer a take back toner service for recycling at our warehouse
- Provide toner recycling bins for customers which once full can be collected from them free of charge. This eliminates the used toners going into landfill and instead diverted for recycling
- Supply paper from responsibility managed forests
- Reduce our electricity consumption where possible
- Eradicate single use plastic from our warehouse
- Continue supporting local environmental initiatives. 10,000 recycled and re-useable glasses were sponsored at this year’s Henley Festival by IBS Office Solutions which enabled the festival to remove single use plastic from its site.
We feel that we are able to adhere to all elements of our Environmental policy as our existing reputable suppliers all reflect our beliefs. The printers, scanners and copiers IBS Office Suppliers offer all utilise the latest technology covering:
- Reduced energy consumption through:
- Less heating time before performance
- Eco timer facility, encouraging low power or sleep mode
- If scanning only, the fuser used to print is deactivated
- Duplex printing, blank page avoidance and the ability to combine a few documents onto one page if space permits
- Toner loop mechanism whereby any particles of unused toner are collected and reused, therefore recycling as it goes
- Prior to multiple printing, a print proof is generated so that amends can be made prior to the larger batch printing
![The Environment The Environment](http://preview.ibs-uk.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/environment_lg.png)